Diabetic Ulcer, Foot Injury that Needs to be Treated Immediately

Diabetic ulcers are sores that arise and develop due to disorders of the peripheral nerves, damage to the structure of the leg bones, and thickening and narrowing of blood vessels that often occurs in diabetics. Diabetic ulcers require special treatment and treatment. If an infection occurs in diabetic ulcers, it can make it worse. Diabetic ulcers most often occur on the bottom of the thumb or on the soles of the front legs. This condition can even cause damage to the bone, so it may be necessary to amputate the leg.

Understanding the Causes of Diabetic Ulcers

Symptoms of diabetic ulcers in diabetics include feet that appear swollen, reddish, irritated, smelly or have fluid coming out of the feet attached to the socks or shoes. Causes of diabetic ulcers include poor blood circulation, so that blood flow does not flow efficiently to your feet. In addition, high glucose levels can also cause leg numbness due to nerve damage to the feet, which is one of the long-term complications of diabetes. All of which facilitate the formation of wounds on the feet, and complicate the wound healing process. In addition, there are also several factors that can increase the risk of diabetic ulcers, namely:
  • Foot shape disorders, such as protruding bones (bunion)
  • Calluses on foot
  • Vision loss that prevents sufferers from seeing their legs clearly
  • Overweight
  • Smoking or drinking alcohol.
All diabetics have a risk of diabetic ulcers. However, most occur in men who are elderly.

How to treat diabetic ulcers

The first step is controlling blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels and blood pressure. These things will help the healing process. The doctor can then take further steps to treat diabetic ulcers, including:
  • Bandages with bandages

  • Covering the wound with a bandage given a special drug, aims to treat the infection or reduce the risk of infection. Ask your doctor for information on how to clean wounds and change bandages every day.
  • Giving medicine

  • Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and antiplatelet drugs. In addition, the use of topical medications such as povidone iodine can also help. However, of course you must consult with your doctor first so that you can be given the right treatment and in accordance with the condition of the wound.
  • Remove skin and dead tissue (debridement)

  • The doctor may treat diabetic ulcers with a procedure called debridement. Debridement is the process of removing dead skin and tissue. There are many ways to do debridement, one of which is to use a scalpel.
Then the doctor will also work to improve blood flow to the legs. The therapy can be in the form of hyperbaric oxygen therapy or negative pressure wound therapy. If deemed necessary, the doctor will recommend the use of special shoes or footwear to reduce pressure on the feet, as well as the use of sticks or wheelchairs for a while.

Steps to Prevent Diabetic Ulcers

Although all diabetics have the possibility of having diabetic ulcers, this condition can be avoided with proper foot care. Some doctor's instructions about preventing diabetic ulcers include:
  • Check every part of your foot every day

  • You should always check the foot area, if there are cracks or calluses on the sole. If necessary, use a mirror to check the heel and other areas of the foot.
  • Diligent cleaning feet

  • Wash your feet every day using soap and warm water. Dry thoroughly, especially between the toes. You also have to be diligent at cutting nails.
  • Wear shoes with a size that is comfortable and made from soft

  • Always check your shoes for foreign objects or rough areas, before you wear. Change your socks immediately if they are wet or sweaty. Use shoes that are 1-2 centimeters longer than foot size.
It is also important to maintain blood sugar levels in normal conditions. Pay attention to proper diet and taking medicine as advised by your doctor. Consult a doctor immediately, if the blood sugar level is higher than it should. If you feel a problem in the feet or signs of diabetic ulcer, consult a doctor immediately so that you are given the right treatment.


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