Diabetic Ulcer, Foot Injury that Needs to be Treated Immediately
Diabetic ulcers are sores that arise and develop due to disorders of the peripheral nerves, damage to the structure of the leg bones, and thickening and narrowing of blood vessels that often occurs in diabetics. Diabetic ulcers require special treatment and treatment. If an infection occurs in diabetic ulcers, it can make it worse. Diabetic ulcers most often occur on the bottom of the thumb or on the soles of the front legs. This condition can even cause damage to the bone, so it may be necessary to amputate the leg. Understanding the Causes of Diabetic Ulcers Symptoms of diabetic ulcers in diabetics include feet that appear swollen, reddish, irritated, smelly or have fluid coming out of the feet attached to the socks or shoes. Causes of diabetic ulcers include poor blood circulation, so that blood flow does not flow efficiently to your feet. In addition, high glucose levels can also cause leg numbness due to nerve damage to the feet, which is one of the long-term complications ...